The Impact Of Natural Disasters On Prime Property Markets

The Impact Of Natural Disasters On Prime Property Markets

Prime property markets like beachfronts can be impacted by numerous changes. One such factor is natural disasters. When any type of such an event like a hurricane, earthquake or wildfire occurs, highly desirable property markets could:

Increase Insurance Rates

Because prime real estate is often is exclusive, high end locations, associated property is quite costly. In such instances, property insurance is usually high to begin with. However, in the wake of a natural disaster, such locations might witness skyrocketing insurance costs. Furthermore, some insurance companies might be reluctant to offer insurance policies to individuals who own property in regions that are currently being impacted or have historically been hit by a string of natural disasters,

Decreased Property Values

When a natural disaster impacts a specific area, decreased property values can result. A region that is hit by a major disaster can be viewed as damaged goods. In other instances, property evaluators could subscribe to the philosophy that if something of that magnitude happened once, it could certainly occur again.

Decline In Demand

Property situated in a region directly impacted by a natural disaster might be in less demand following the event in question. waning interest could force individual property owners or real estate agencies dramatically lower the asking prices of homes built on such properties. Decreased asking prices could mean a precipitous drop in profits.

Altered Environments

Certain natural adverse natural events forever alter the landscape of specific environments. For example, what might have been expensive beachfront property might be completely washed away by a hurricane. Such storms could cause such pronounced flooding, erosion and wind damage that existing properties are totally destroyed and the landmasses they existed on become uninhabitable.

Diminished Sellable Property

Along the theme of altered environments comes the prospect of a diminished amount of sellable property. Should entire exclusive neighborhoods be burned to the ground by wildfires or washed away by a hurricane’s floods, there is less property to sell. Less property equals a diminished market.


Unfortunately, some scientists opine that climate changes will only continue to increase the occurrence of natural disasters. Therefore, real estate agencies might one day revise their strategies and help ensure that those who purchase homes in vulnerable locations safeguard their properties as much as possible or consider purchasing property in less risky locales.