The Best Real Estate Blogs to Keep Up With
Attempting to dominate the ever-evolving nature of real estate, single-handedly, is as illogical as it is unnecessary. With the passel of agents, forums, and news outlets who’ve flocked to the Internet to impart their wisdom, staying ahead of the real estate trend is a breeze. Among the most beneficial online real estate resources include:
Spearheaded by Chief Marketing Officer, Lisa Klinkhammer, Real Estate Marketing Machine underscores the importance of fusing agent expertise with marketing knowledge. The underlying purpose of their content is to delve into the intricacies of marketing, allowing agents to hone their skills and “grow their business in a digital age.”
Focused on tackling the vast complexities of technology, GeekEstate Blog illustrates how to make modern-day advancements a friend, not foe. No doubt a nod to their astute knowledge in machinery, the “geeks” who run this blog are well-versed in evolving technology trends.
This all-encompassing forum touches on relevant real estate events. Delivering “accurate, innovative, and timely information about the business,” Inman has universal appeal. From up-and-coming technology articles to proactive stances on foreboding topics, Inman covers all things real estate.
Primarily inspired by real-life stories, Redfin is committed to providing subjects of topical interest. Using real estate professionals to validate their findings, Redfin unveils examples of real estate in its purest form.
Designed to combat the stagnancy associated with outdated education, McKissock offers a raft of educational resources. From helpful tips to legitimate how-to’s, McKissock provides a viable outlet for agents who are looking to polish their real estate knowledge.
Allowing readers to express their varying standpoints, Housing Wire takes real estate market trends and feeds them to the public. While “open commentary” is their shtick, Housing Wire volunteers their advice on pressing matters as well.
The blog that inspires blog, Real Estate Tomato is a platform that promotes the use of real estate blogs. Their articles broach blog ideas and strategies, fostering blog startups from infancy to execution. Well-versed in the blog realm themselves, Real Estate Tomato’s advice is nothing short of authentic.
Incorporating a unique facet to their forum, Miller Samuel Inc’s inclusion of podcasts give them an undeniable edge. Offering auditory learning and fresh perspectives, author Jonathan Miller provides a blog second to none.